lunes, 14 de abril de 2008

Forget Me Not

Miosotis “No me Olvides”
In different Languages

Old French "ne m'oubliez pas"
Italian "Nontiscordardimé
German "Vergissmeinnicht"
Polish "Niezapominajki”
Slovak "Nezábudky”
Danish "Forglem-mig-ej”
Swedish "Förgätmigej”
Dutch "vergeet-mij-nietje”
Spanish "no-me-olvides”
Russian "Незабудки”
Bulgarian “Незабравки”
Lithuanian "Neužmirštuolės”
Greek "Μη με λησμονείς
Esperanto "neforgesumino",
Chinese "wu wang cao”
Korean “mul mang cho”
Japanese “Wasurenagusa”
Hebrew "זכריני" (Zichrini
Persian "فراموشم مکن" (farâmusham nakon
Hungarian "Nefelejts"
Turkish "Unutma Beni"
In the
15th century Germany, it was supposed that the wearers of the flower would not be forgotten by their lovers.
Legend has it that in medieval times, a knight and his lady were walking along the side of a river. He picked a posy of flowers, but because of the weight of his armour he fell into the river. As he was drowning he threw the posy to his loved one and shouted "Forget-me-not". This is a flower connected with romance and tragic fate. It was often worn by ladies as a sign of faithfulness and enduring love.
Forget-me-not in popular culture
The forget-me-not became the subject of a disco song "
Forget Me Nots" by Patrice Rushen in 1982 hitting the Top 10 in many countries. The lyrics include "Sending you forget-me-nots, to help you to remember". This song is notable for the fact its bassline was sampled for George Michael's Fastlove, Will Smith's Men in Black and Pauline Pantsdown's Backdoor Man.

3 comentarios:

Adolfo Calatayu dijo...

Siento que yo también (como todos),quisiera que no me olviden,en particular la mujer que amé y amo en términos absolutos; es curioso,qué estamos buscando al desear algo así?
La trascendencia,el desafío y la precaria victoria sobre la muerte de todos los días? lo ignoro,pero deseo con tal intensidad y pasión que mi amada pase todos los días recordandome...
un cariño grande,querida amiga

Saziwe dijo...

Adolfo,Hace mucho tiempo... alguien me regalo un sobre de semillas de "Forget me Not"
y estas se convirtieron dentro de mi corazon en un bosque. Y han inspirado poemas en los cuales evoco el recuerdo de un acuerdo sin palabras. Al menos yo no olvide.
La energia del amor transciende distancias en los laberintos del tiempo. De seguro no te olvidaran...

Adolfo Calatayu dijo...

Oh !!! qué hermoso lo que dejaste sin palabras...
muchos cariños,bonita.